
This program for BoostC compiler shows how to use onboard USB on PIC18F2455 (by Robert Lang).

#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE  0
#define NULL   0

#define DEBUG_SERIAL    1
#define NUM_INTERFACES          1

#define ConfiguredUSB() ((USWSTAT&0x3) == CONFIG_STATE)
#define STALL_EP0       set_bit(uep0,EPSTALL)
#define STALL_PID_EP0IN     bd0statie = 0xCC  /* REQUEST ERROR */
#define Send_0Len_pkt   bd0cntie = 0;   bd0statie = 0xc8;   USB_dev_req = NULL

#define POWERED_STATE           0x00
#define DEFAULT_STATE           0x01
#define ADDRESS_STATE           0x02
#define CONFIG_STATE            0x03
#define ENDPT_DISABLED          0x10  // For 18F2455 with handshaking
#define ENDPT_IN_ONLY           0x12
#define ENDPT_OUT_ONLY          0x14
#define ENDPT_CONTROL           0x16    /* enable for in, out and setup */
#define ENDPT_NON_CONTROL       0x1E    /* enable for in, and out */
#define TOKEN_OUT   (0x01<<2)
#define TOKEN_ACK   (0x02<<2)
#define TOKEN_IN    (0x09<<2)
#define TOKEN_SETUP (0x0D<<2)
#define CLEAR_FEATURE           0x01
#define GET_CONFIGURATION   0x08
#define GET_DESCRIPTOR          0x06
#define GET_INTERFACE           0x0A
#define GET_STATUS          0x00
#define SET_ADDRESS         0x05
#define SET_CONFIGURATION   0x09
#define SET_FEATURE         0x03
#define SET_INTERFACE           0x0B
#define HID_GET_REPORT      0x01
#define HID_GET_IDLE        0x02
#define HID_GET_PROTOCOL    0x03
#define HID_SET_REPORT      0x09
#define HID_SET_IDLE        0x0A
#define HID_SET_PROTOCOL    0x0B
#define HID_DESCRIPTOR          0x21
#define VEND_SET_MEMORY         0x80
#define HOSTTODEVICE            0x00
#define HOSTTOINTERFACE         0x01
#define HOSTTOENDPOINT          0x02
#define DEVICETOHOST            0x80
#define INTERFACETOHOST         0x81
#define ENDPOINTTOHOST          0x82
#define EP0OUT                  0
#define EP0IN                   1
#define EP1OUT                  2
#define EP1IN                   3
#define EP2OUT                  4
#define EP2IN                   5

// Descriptor Types
#define DEVICE                  1
#define CONFIGURATION           2
#define STRING                  3
#define INTERFACE               4
#define ENDPOINT                5
#define CS_INTERFACE            0x24
#define CS_ENDPOINT             0x25

//define some useful bit variables
volatile  bit  bDEV_ATT@UCON.USBEN;
volatile bit   bSUSPND@UCON.SUSPND;
volatile bit   bPKT_DIS@UCON.PKTDIS;
volatile  bit  bUIDLE@UIE.IDLEIE;
volatile  bit  bACTIVITY_E@UIE.ACTVIE;
volatile bit   bTOK_DONE_E@UIE.TRNIE;
volatile bit  bPID_ERR_E@UEIE.PIDEE;
volatile bit  bCRC5_E@UEIE.CRC5EE;
volatile bit  bCRC16_E@UEIE.CRC16EE;
volatile bit  bDFN8_E@UEIE.DFN8EE;
volatile bit  bBTO_ERR_E@UEIE.BTOEE;
volatile bit  bBTS_ERR_E@UEIE.BTSEE;
volatile bit  bUSBRST_E@UIE.URSTIE;
volatile bit  bUSBIE@PIE2.USBIE;
volatile bit   bSTALL@UIR.STALLIF;
volatile  bit  bUERR@UIR.UERRIF;
volatile bit  bPID_ERR@UEIR.PIDEF;
volatile bit  bCRC5@UEIR.CRC5EF;
volatile  bit bCRC16@UEIR.CRC16EF;
volatile bit  bDFN8@UEIR.DFN8EF;
volatile bit  bBTO_ERR@UEIR.BTOEF;
volatile bit  bBTS_ERR@UEIR.BTSEF;
volatile bit bUSBIF@PIR2.USBIF;
volatile bit bUSBRST@UIR.URSTIF;
volatile bit bTMR0IF@INTCON.TMR0IF;
volatile bit   bACTIVITY@UIR.ACTVIF;
volatile bit   bTOK_DONE@UIR.TRNIF;

//N is endpoint# = 0,1,2,3
//XXXX is the type: stat, cnt, adrl or adrh
//D is direction=i,o (in,out) 
//P is pingpong=e,o  (even,odd)
/* non-pingpong buffering, 8 byte buffers*/
char bd0statoe@0x400;
char bd0cntoe@0x401=8;
char bd0adrloe@0x402 =0x00;
char bd0adrhoe@0x403 =0x05;

char bd0statie@0x404;
char bd0cntie@0x405=8;
char bd0adrlie@0x406= 0x80;
char bd0adrhie@0x407=0x05;

char bd1statoe@0x408;
char bd1cntoe@0x409=8;
char bd1adrloe@0x40A =0x00;
char bd1adrhoe@0x40B=0x06;

char bd1statie@0x40C;
char bd1cntie@0x40D=8;
char bd1adrlie@0x40E=0x80;
char bd1adrhie@0x40F=0x06;

char bd2statoe@0x410;
char bd2cntoe@0x411=8;
char bd2adrloe@0x412 =0x00;
char bd2adrhoe@0x413 =0x07;

char bd2statie@0x414;
char bd2cntie@0x415=8;
char bd2adrlie@0x416= 0x80;
char bd2adrhie@0x417=0x07;

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